Poincaré Integral Invariants

Poincaré integral invariants provide useful diagnostics for analysing the long-time accuracy of numerical integrators for Hamiltonian dynamics and for distinguishing between symplectic and non-symplectic integrators.

This package provides means for computing the first and second Poincaré integral invariant $\vartheta$ and $\omega$, which are given by the Lagrangian one- and two-form, respectively.

First Poincaré Invariant

The one-form $\vartheta$ is a relative integral invariant, which means that the integral

\[I_{1} = \int_{\gamma} \vartheta_{i} (q) \, dq^{i}\]

stays constant in time when $\gamma$ is a closed loop in the configuration space $\mathcal{M}$ (a compact one-dimensional parametrized submanifold of $\mathcal{M}$ without boundary), that is advected along the solution of the dynamics.

The figure shows examples of single trajectories of some samples of such a loop, as well as the temporal evolution of the whole loop following the dynamics of the guiding centre system.

The loop $\gamma$ is parametrized by $\tau \in [0,1)$, so that

\[I_{1} (t) = \int_{0}^{1} \vartheta_{i} (q_{(\tau)}(t)) \, \dfrac{d q_{(\tau)}^{i}}{d\tau} \, d\tau .\]

In order to compute this integral, we use $N$ equidistant points in $[0,1)$, so that the derivatives $d q_{(\tau)} / d\tau$ can be efficiently computed via discrete Fourier transforms. The integral is approximated with the trapezoidal quadrature rule, which has spectral convergence on periodic domains (Trefethen & Weideman, 2014).

Second Poincaré Invariant

The two-form $\omega$ is an absolute integral invariant, which means that the integral

\[I_{2} = \int_{S} \omega_{ij} (q) \, dq^{i} \, dq^{j}\]

stays constant in time when $S$ is any compact two-dimensional parametrized submanifold of $\mathcal{M}$, advected along the solution of the dynamics.

The figure shows how an initially rectangular area in phasespace is advected by the dynamics of the guiding centre system.

The area $S$ is parametrized by $(\sigma, \tau) \in [0,1]^{2}$, so that

\[I_{2} (t) = \int_{0}^{1} \int_{0}^{1} \omega_{ij} (q_{(\sigma, \tau)} (t)) \, \dfrac{dq_{(\sigma, \tau)}^{i}}{d\sigma} \, \dfrac{dq_{(\sigma, \tau)}^{j}}{d\tau} \, d\sigma \, d\tau .\]

Here, we represent the surface in terms of Chebyshev polynomials and thus use Chebyshev points for the discretization of the domain $[0,1]^{2}$. The Chebyshev polynomials allow for an extremely accurate approximation of the surface, even if the latter becomes severely deformed. Moreover, they allow for the use of the ApproxFun.jl package for the easy and accurate computation of the derivatives and the integral.