The rigid body
using GeometricProblems.RigidBody: odeensemble
using GeometricIntegrators: integrate, ImplicitMidpoint
using GeometricEquations: EnsembleProblem
using GeometricSolutions: GeometricSolution
using CairoMakie
ics = [
[sin(1.1), 0., cos(1.1)],
[sin(2.1), 0., cos(2.1)],
[sin(2.2), 0., cos(2.2)],
[0., sin(1.1), cos(1.1)],
[0., sin(1.5), cos(1.5)],
[0., sin(1.6), cos(1.6)]
ensemble_problem = odeensemble(ics)
ensemble_solution = integrate(ensemble_problem, ImplicitMidpoint())
function plot_geometric_solution!(p, solution::GeometricSolution; kwargs...)
lines!(p, solution.q[:, 1].parent, solution.q[:, 2].parent, solution.q[:, 3].parent; kwargs...)
function sphere(r, C) # r: radius; C: center [cx,cy,cz]
n = 100
u = range(-π, π; length = n)
v = range(0, π; length = n)
x = C[1] .+ r * cos.(u) * sin.(v)'
y = C[2] .+ r * sin.(u) * sin.(v)'
z = C[3] .+ r * ones(n) * cos.(v)'
return x, y, z
fig, ax, plt = surface(sphere(1., [0., 0., 0.])..., alpha = .6)
for (i, solution) in zip(1:length(ensemble_solution), ensemble_solution.s)
plot_geometric_solution!(ax, solution; label = "trajectory "*string(i), linewidth=2)
Library functions
— ModuleRigid body
\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} = Ayz \\ \dot{y} = Bxz \\ \dot{z} = Cxy \end{aligned},\]
where $A = (I_2 - I_3)/(I_2I_3)$, $B = (I_3 - I_1)/(I_3I_1)$ and $C = (I_1 - I_2)/(I_1I_2)$; $I_{\cdot}$ are the principal components of inertia.
The initial condition and the default parameters are taken from [4].
- [4]
- J. Bajārs. Locally-symplectic neural networks for learning volume-preserving dynamics. Journal of Computational Physics 476, 111911 (2023).