Comparison of different VolumePreservingAttention

In the section of volume-preserving attention we mentioned two ways of computing volume-preserving attention: one where we compute the correlations with a skew-symmetric matrix and one where we compute the correlations with an arbitrary matrix. Here we compare the two approaches. When calling the VolumePreservingAttention layer we can specify whether we want to use the skew-symmetric or the arbitrary weighting by setting the keyword skew_sym = true and skew_sym = false respectively.

In here we demonstrate the differences between the two approaches for computing correlations. For this we first generate a training set consisting of two collections of curves: (i) sine curves and (ii) cosine curve.

import Random # hide

sine_cosine = zeros(1, 1000, 2)
sine_cosine[1, :, 1] .= sin.(0.:.1:99.9)
sine_cosine[1, :, 2] .= cos.(0.:.1:99.9)

const dl = DataLoader(Float16.(sine_cosine))
DataLoader{Float16, Array{Float16, 3}, Nothing, :TimeSeries}(Float16[0.0 0.09985 … -0.6675 -0.59;;; 1.0 0.995 … 0.7446 0.8076], nothing, 1, 1000, 2, nothing, nothing)

The third axis (i.e. the parameter axis) has length two, meaning we have two different kinds of curves:

plot(dl.input[1, :, 1], label = "sine")
plot!(dl.input[1, :, 2], label = "cosine")
Example block output

We want to train a single neural network on both these curves. We compare three networks which are of the following form:

\[\mathtt{network} = \mathcal{NN}_d\circ\Psi\circ\mathcal{NN}_u,\]

where $\mathcal{NN}_u$ refers to a neural network that scales up and $\mathcal{NN}_d$ refers to a neural network that scales down. The up and down scaling is done with simple dense layers:

\[\mathcal{NN}_u(x) = \mathrm{tanh}(a_ux + b_u) \text{ and } \mathcal{NN}_d(x) = a_d^Tx + b_d,\]

where $a_u, b_u, a_d\in\mathbb{R}^\mathrm{ud}$ and $b_d$ is a scalar. ud refers to upscaling dimension. For $\Psi$ we consider three different choices:

  1. a volume-preserving attention with skew-symmetric weighting,
  2. a volume-preserving attention with arbitrary weighting,
  3. an identity layer.

We further choose a sequence length 5 (i.e. the network always sees the last 5 time steps) and always predict one step into the future (i.e. the prediction window is set to 1):

const seq_length = 3
const prediction_window = 1

const upscale_dimension_1 = 2

const T = Float16

function set_up_networks(upscale_dimension::Int = upscale_dimension_1)
    model_skew = Chain(Dense(1, upscale_dimension, tanh), VolumePreservingAttention(upscale_dimension, seq_length; skew_sym = true),  Dense(upscale_dimension, 1, identity; use_bias = true))
    model_arb  = Chain(Dense(1, upscale_dimension, tanh), VolumePreservingAttention(upscale_dimension, seq_length; skew_sym = false), Dense(upscale_dimension, 1, identity; use_bias = true))
    model_comp = Chain(Dense(1, upscale_dimension, tanh), Dense(upscale_dimension, 1, identity; use_bias = true))

    nn_skew = NeuralNetwork(model_skew, CPU(), T)
    nn_arb  = NeuralNetwork(model_arb,  CPU(), T)
    nn_comp = NeuralNetwork(model_comp, CPU(), T)

    nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp

nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp = set_up_networks()
(NeuralNetwork{AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture, Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :skew_sym, 3}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}, Tuple{@NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}, @NamedTuple{A::SkewSymMatrix{Float16, Vector{Float16}}}, @NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}}, CPU}(AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture(), Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :skew_sym, 3}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}((Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}(tanh), VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :skew_sym, 3}(), Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}(identity))), ((W = Float16[-0.6455; -1.463;;], b = Float16[-1.624, -0.2177]), (A = Float16[0.0 -0.1244; 0.1244 0.0],), (W = Float16[0.981 0.07996], b = Float16[1.549])), CPU(false)), NeuralNetwork{AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture, Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :arbitrary, 3}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}, Tuple{@NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}, @NamedTuple{A::Matrix{Float16}}, @NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}}, CPU}(AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture(), Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :arbitrary, 3}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}((Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}(tanh), VolumePreservingAttention{2, 2, :arbitrary, 3}(), Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}(identity))), ((W = Float16[-1.342; 0.412;;], b = Float16[0.5933, -0.7686]), (A = Float16[-1.125 -0.3372; -0.0861 -0.9746],), (W = Float16[0.206 -1.019], b = Float16[0.5054])), CPU(false)), NeuralNetwork{AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture, Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}, Tuple{@NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}, @NamedTuple{W::Matrix{Float16}, b::Vector{Float16}}}, CPU}(AbstractNeuralNetworks.UnknownArchitecture(), Chain{Tuple{Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}, Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}}}((Dense{1, 2, true, typeof(tanh)}(tanh), Dense{2, 1, true, typeof(identity)}(identity))), ((W = Float16[-0.538; 0.2615;;], b = Float16[-1.312, -1.275]), (W = Float16[0.3884 0.109], b = Float16[0.2737])), CPU(false)))

We expect the third network to not be able to learn anything useful since it cannot resolve time series data: a regular feedforward network only ever sees one datum at a time.

Next we train the networks (here we pick a batch size of 30):

function set_up_optimizers(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)
    o_skew = Optimizer(AdamOptimizer(T), nn_skew)
    o_arb  = Optimizer(AdamOptimizer(T), nn_arb)
    o_comp = Optimizer(AdamOptimizer(T), nn_comp)

    o_skew, o_arb, o_comp

o_skew, o_arb, o_comp = set_up_optimizers(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

const n_epochs = 1000

const batch_size = 30

const batch = Batch(batch_size, seq_length, prediction_window)
const batch2 = Batch(batch_size)

function train_networks!(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)
    loss_array_skew = o_skew(nn_skew, dl, batch, n_epochs, TransformerLoss(batch))
    loss_array_arb  = o_arb( nn_arb,  dl, batch, n_epochs, TransformerLoss(batch))
    loss_array_comp = o_comp(nn_comp, dl, batch2, n_epochs, FeedForwardLoss())

    loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp

loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp = train_networks!(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

function plot_training_losses(loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp)
    p = plot(loss_array_skew, color = 2, label = "skew", yaxis = :log)
    plot!(p, loss_array_arb,  color = 3, label = "arb")
    plot!(p, loss_array_comp, color = 4, label = "comp")


plot_training_losses(loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp)
Example block output

Looking at the training errors, we can see that the network with the skew-symmetric weighting is stuck at a relatively high error rate, whereas the loss for the network with the arbitrary weighting is decreasing to a significantly lower level. The feedforward network without the attention mechanism is not able to learn anything useful (as was expected).

The following demonstrates the predictions of our approaches[1]:

initial_condition = dl.input[:, 1:seq_length, 2]

function make_networks_neural_network_integrators(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)
    nn_skew = NeuralNetwork(GeometricMachineLearning.DummyTransformer(seq_length), nn_skew.model, nn_skew.params, CPU())
    nn_arb  = NeuralNetwork(GeometricMachineLearning.DummyTransformer(seq_length), nn_arb.model,  nn_arb.params, CPU())
    nn_comp = NeuralNetwork(GeometricMachineLearning.DummyNNIntegrator(), nn_comp.model, nn_comp.params, CPU())

    nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp

nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp = make_networks_neural_network_integrators(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

function produce_validation_plot(n_points::Int, nn_skew = nn_skew, nn_arb = nn_arb, nn_comp = nn_comp; initial_condition::Matrix=initial_condition, type = :cos)
    validation_skew = iterate(nn_skew, initial_condition; n_points = n_points, prediction_window = 1)
    validation_arb  = iterate(nn_arb,  initial_condition; n_points = n_points, prediction_window = 1)
    validation_comp = iterate(nn_comp, initial_condition[:, 1]; n_points = n_points)

    p2 = type == :cos ? plot(dl.input[1, 1:n_points, 2], color = 1, label = "reference") : plot(dl.input[1, 1:n_points, 1], color = 1, label = "reference")

    plot!(validation_skew[1, :], color = 2, label = "skew")
    plot!(p2, validation_arb[1, :], color = 3, label = "arb")
    plot!(p2, validation_comp[1, :], color = 4, label = "comp")
    vline!([seq_length], color = :red, label = "start of prediction")


p2 = produce_validation_plot(40)
Example block output

In the above plot we can see that the network with the arbitrary weighting performs much better; even though the green line does not fit the blue line very well either, it manages to least qualitatively reflect the training data. We can also plot the predictions for longer time intervals:

p3 = produce_validation_plot(400)
Example block output

We can also plot the comparison with the sine function:

initial_condition = dl.input[:, 1:seq_length, 1]

p2 = produce_validation_plot(40, initial_condition = initial_condition, type = :sin)
Example block output

This advantage of the volume-preserving attention with arbitrary weighting may however be due to the fact that the skew-symmetric attention only has 3 learnable parameters, as opposed to 9 for the arbitrary weighting. If we increase the upscaling dimension the result changes:

const upscale_dimension_2 = 10

nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp = set_up_networks(upscale_dimension_2)

o_skew, o_arb, o_comp = set_up_optimizers(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp = train_networks!(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

plot_training_losses(loss_array_skew, loss_array_arb, loss_array_comp)
Example block output
initial_condition = dl.input[:, 1:seq_length, 2]

nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp = make_networks_neural_network_integrators(nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)

p2 = produce_validation_plot(40, nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)
Example block output

And for a longer time interval:

p3 = produce_validation_plot(200, nn_skew, nn_arb, nn_comp)
Example block output
  • 1Here we have to use the architectures DummyTransformer and DummyNNIntegrator to reformulate the three neural networks defined here as NeuralNetworkIntegrators. Normally the user should try to use predefined architectures in GeometricMachineLearning, that way they never use DummyTransformer and DummyNNIntegrator.