Example of a Neural Network with a Grassmann Layer

Here we show how to implement a neural network that contains a layer whose weight is an element of the Grassmann manifold and where this might be useful.

To answer where we would need this consider the following scenario

Problem statement

We are given data in a big space $\mathcal{D}=[d_i]_{i\in\mathcal{I}}\subset\mathbb{R}^N$ and know these data live on an $n$-dimensional[1] submanifold[2] in $\mathbb{R}^N$. Based on these data we would now like to generate new samples from the distributions that produced our original data. This is where the Grassmann manifold is useful: each element $V$ of the Grassmann manifold is an $n$-dimensional subspace of $\mathbb{R}^N$ from which we can easily sample. We can then construct a (bijective) mapping from this space $V$ onto a space that contains our data points $\mathcal{D}$.


Consider the following toy example: We want to sample from the graph of the (scaled) Rosenbrock function $f(x,y) = ((1 - x)^2 + 100(y - x^2)^2)/1000$ while pretending we do not know the function.

rosenbrock(x::Vector) = ((1.0 - x[1]) ^ 2 + 100.0 * (x[2] - x[1] ^ 2) ^ 2) / 1000
x, y = -1.5:0.1:1.5, -1.5:0.1:1.5
z = Surface((x,y)->rosenbrock([x,y]), x, y)
p = surface(x,y,z; camera=(30,20), alpha=.6, colorbar=false, xlims=(-1.5, 1.5), ylims=(-1.5, 1.5), zlims=(0.0, rosenbrock([-1.5, -1.5])))
Example block output

We now build a neural network whose task it is to map a product of two Gaussians $\mathcal{N}(0,1)\times\mathcal{N}(0,1)$ onto the graph of the Rosenbrock function where the range for $x$ and for $y$ is $[-1.5,1.5]$.

For computing the loss between the two distributions, i.e. $\Psi(\mathcal{N}(0,1)\times\mathcal{N}(0,1))$ and $f([-1.5,1.5], [-1.5,1.5])$ we use the Wasserstein distance[3].

using GeometricMachineLearning, Zygote, BrenierTwoFluid
import Random # hide

model = Chain(GrassmannLayer(2,3), Dense(3, 8, tanh), Dense(8, 3, identity))

nn = NeuralNetwork(model, CPU(), Float64)

λY = GlobalSection(nn.params)

# this computes the cost that is associated to the Wasserstein distance
c = (x,y) -> .5 * norm(x - y)^2
∇c = (x,y) -> x - y

const p_η = 2

function compute_wasserstein_gradient(ensemble1::AT, ensemble2::AT) where AT<:AbstractArray
    number_of_particles1 = size(ensemble1, 2)
    number_of_particles2 = size(ensemble2, 2)
    V = SinkhornVariable(copy(ensemble1'), ones(number_of_particles1) / number_of_particles1)
    W = SinkhornVariable(copy(ensemble2'), ones(number_of_particles2) / number_of_particles2)
    S = SinkhornDivergence(V, W, c, params; islog = true)
    value(S), x_gradient!(S, ∇c)'

xyz_points = hcat([[x,y,rosenbrock([x,y])] for x in x for y in y]...)

function compute_gradient(ps::Tuple)
    samples = randn(2, size(xyz_points, 2))

    estimate, nn_pullback = Zygote.pullback(ps -> model(samples, ps), ps)

    valS, wasserstein_gradient = compute_wasserstein_gradient(estimate, xyz_points)
    valS, nn_pullback(wasserstein_gradient)[1]

# note the very high value for the learning rate
optimizer = Optimizer(nn, AdamOptimizer(1e-1))

# note the small number of training steps
const training_steps = 40
loss_array = zeros(training_steps)
for i in 1:training_steps
    val, dp = compute_gradient(nn.params)
    loss_array[i] = val
    optimization_step!(optimizer, λY, nn.params, dp)
plot(loss_array, xlabel="training step", label="loss")
Example block output

Now we plot a few points to check how well they match the graph:

const number_of_points = 35

coordinates = nn(randn(2, number_of_points))
scatter3d!(p, [coordinates[1, :]], [coordinates[2, :]], [coordinates[3, :]], alpha=.5, color=4, label="mapped points")
Example block output
  • 1We may know $n$ exactly or approximately.
  • 2Problems and solutions related to this scenario are commonly summarized under the term manifold learning (see [49]).
  • 3The implementation of the Wasserstein distance is taken from [50].