Neural Network Integrators

In GeometricMachineLearning we can divide most neural network architectures (that are used for applications to physical systems) into two categories: autoencoders and integrators. Integrator in its most general form refers to an approximation of the flow of an ODE (see the section on the existence and uniqueness theorem) by a numerical scheme. Traditionally these numerical schemes were constructed by defining certain relationships between a known time step $z^{(t)}$ and a future unknown one $z^{(t+1)}$ [7, 41]:

\[ f(z^{(t)}, z^{(t+1)}) = 0.\]

One usually refers to such a relationship as an "integration scheme". If this relationship can be reformulated as

\[ z^{(t+1)} = g(z^{(t)}),\]

then we refer to the scheme as explicit, if it cannot be reformulated in such a way then we refer to it as implicit. Implicit schemes are typically more expensive to solve than explicit ones. The Julia library GeometricIntegrators [42] offers a wide variety of integration schemes both implicit and explicit.

The neural network integrators in GeometricMachineLearning (the corresponding type is NeuralNetworkIntegrator) are all explicit integration schemes where the function $g$ above is modeled with a neural network.

Neural networks, as an alternative to traditional methods, are employed because of (i) potentially superior performance and (ii) an ability to learn unknown dynamics from data.

Multi-step methods

Multi-step method [30, 31] refers to schemes that are of the form[1]:

\[ f(z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 1)}, z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 2)}, \ldots, z^{(t)}, z^{(t + 1)}, \ldots, z^{(\mathtt{pw} + 1)}) = 0,\]

where sl is short for sequence length and pw is short for prediction window. In contrast to traditional single-step methods, sl and pw can be greater than 1. An explicit multi-step method has the following form:

\[[z^{(t+1)}, \ldots, z^{(t+\mathtt{pw})}] = g(z^{(t - \mathtt{sl} + 1)}, \ldots, z^{(t)}).\]

There are essentially two ways to construct multi-step methods with neural networks: the older one is using recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory cells (LSTMs, [43]) and the newer one is using transformer neural networks [26]. Both of these approaches have been successfully employed to learn multi-step methods (see [34, 39] for the former and [32, 44, 45] for the latter), but because the transformer architecture exhibits superior performance on modern hardware and can be imbued with geometric properties it is recommended to always use a transformer-derived architecture when dealing with time series[2].

Explicit multi-step methods derived from he transformer are always subtypes of the type TransformerIntegrator in GeometricMachineLearning. In GeometricMachineLearning the standard transformer, the volume-preserving transformer and the linear symplectic transformer are implemented.

Library Functions


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  • 1We again assume that all the steps up to and including $t$ are known.
  • 2GeometricMachineLearning also has an LSTM implementation, but this may be deprecated in the future.