Foundational Theorems for Differential Manifolds

Here we state and proof all the theorems necessary to define differential manifolds. All these theorems (including proofs) can be found in e.g. [15].

The Fixed-Point Theorem

The fixed-point theorem will be used in the proof of the inverse function theorem below and the existence-and-uniqueness theorem.

Theorem (Banach Fixed-Point Theorem)

A function $f:U \to U$ defined on an open subset $U$ of a complete metric vector space $\mathcal{V} \supset U$ that is contractive, i.e. $|f(z) - f(y)| \leq q|z - y|$ with $q < 1$, has a unique fixed point $y^*$ such that $f(y^*) = y^*$. Further $y^*$ can be found by taking any $y\in{}U$ through $y^* = \lim_{m\to\infty}f^m(y)$.


Fix a point $y\in{}U$. We proof that the sequence $(f^m(y))_{m\in\mathbb{N}}$ is Cauchy and because $\mathcal{V}$ is a complete metric space, the limit of this sequence exists. Take $\tilde{m} > m$ and we have

\[\begin{aligned} |f^{\tilde{m}}(y) - f^m(y)| & \leq \sum_{i = m}^{\tilde{m} - 1}|f^{i+1}(y) - f^{i}(y)| \\ & \leq \sum_{i = m}^{\tilde{m} - 1}q^i|f(y) - y| \\ & \leq \sum_{i = m}^\infty{}q^i|f(y) - y| = (f(y) - y)\left( \frac{q}{1 - q} - \sum_{i = 1}^{m-1}q^i \right)\\ & = (f(y) - y)\left( \frac{q}{1 - q} - \frac{q - q^m}{q - 1} \right) = (f(y) - y)\frac{q^{m+1}}{1 - q}. \end{aligned} \]

And the sequence is clearly Cauchy.

Note that we stated the fixed-point theorem for arbitrary complete metric spaces here, not just for $\mathbb{R}^n$. For the section on manifolds we only need the theorem for $\mathbb{R}^n$, but for the existence-and-uniqueness theorem we need the statement for more general spaces.

The Inverse Function Theorem

The inverse function theorem gives a sufficient condition on a vector-valued function to be invertible in a neighborhood of a specific point. This theorem serves as a basis for the implicit function theorem and further for the preimage theorem and is critical in developing a theory of manifolds. Here we first state the theorem and then give a proof.

Theorem (Inverse function theorem)

Consider a vector-valued differentiable function $F:\mathbb{R}^N\to\mathbb{R}^N$ and assume its Jacobian is non-degenerate at a point $x\in\mathbb{R}^N$. Then there exists a neighborhood $U$ that contains $F(x)$ and on which $F$ is invertible, i.e. $\exists{}H:U\to\mathbb{R}^N$ s.t. $\forall{}y\in{}U,\,F\circ{}H(y) = y$ and $H$ is differentiable.


Consider a mapping $F:\mathbb{R}^N\to\mathbb{R}^N$ and assume its Jacobian has full rank at point $x$, i.e. $\det{}F'(x)\neq0$. We further assume that $F(x) = 0$, $F'(x) = \mathbb{I}$ and $x = 0$. Now consider a ball around $x$ whose radius $r$ we do not yet fix and two points $y$ and $z$ in that ball: $y,z\in{}B(r)$. We further introduce the function $G(y):=y-F(y)$. By the mean value theorem we have

\[|G(y)| = |G(y) - x| = |G(y) - G(x)|\leq|y-x|\sup_{0<t<1}||G'(x + t(y-x))||,\]

where $||\cdot||$ is the operator norm. Because $t\mapsto{}G'(x+t(y-x))$ is continuous and $G'(x)=0$ there must exist an $r$ s.t. $\forall{}t\in[0,1],\,||G'(x +t(y-x))||<1/2$. We have for any element $y\in{}B(r)$: $|G(y) | \leq ||G'(y)||\cdot|y| < |y|/2$, so $G(B(r))\subset{}B(r/2)$. We further define $G_z(y) := z + G(y)$; this map is contractive on $B(r)$ (for $z\in{}B(r/2)$): $|G_z(y)| \leq |z| + |G(y) - x| < q < 1$ and therefore has a fixed point: $y^* = G_z(y^*) = z + y^* - F(y^*)$ and we obtain $z = F(y^*)$. The inverse (which we call $H:F(B(r/2))\to{}B(r)$) is also continuous by the last theorem presented in the section on basic topological concepts. We now proof that the derivative of $H$ at $F(x) = 0$ exists and that it is equal to $F'(H(z))^{-1}$. For this we let $\eta\in{}F(B(r/2))$ go to zero. We further define $\xi = F(z)$ and $h = H(\xi + \eta) - z$:

\[\begin{aligned} |H(\xi+\eta) - H(\xi) - F'(z)^{-1}\eta| & = |h - F'(x)^{-1}\xi| = |h - F'(z)^{-1}(F(z + h) - \xi)| \\ & \leq ||F'(z)^{-1}||\cdot|F'(z)h - F(z + h) + \xi| \\ & \leq ||F'(z)^{-1}||\cdot|h|\cdot\left| F'(z)\frac{h}{|h|} - \frac{F(z + h) - \xi}{|h|} \right|, \end{aligned}\]

and the rightmost expression is bounded because of the mean value theorem: $F(z + h) - F(z) \leq sup_{0<t<1}|h| \cdot ||F'(z + th)||$.

The Implicit Function Theorem

This theorem is a direct consequence of the inverse function theorem.

Theorem (Implicit Function Theorem)

Given a function $f:\mathbb{R}^{n+m}\to\mathbb{R}^n$ whose derivative at $x\in\mathbb{R}^{n+m}$ has full rank, we can find a map $h:U\to\mathbb{R}^{n+m}$ for a neighborhood $U\ni(f(x), x_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+m})$ such that $f\circ{}h$ is a projection onto the first factor, i.e. $f(h(x_1, \ldots, x_{n+m})) = (x_1, \ldots, x_n).$


Consider the map $x = (x_1, \ldots, x_{n+m}) = (f(x), x_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+m})$. The derivative of this map is clearly of full rank if $f'(x)$ is of full rank and therefore invertible in a neighborhood around $(f(x), x_{n+1}, \ldots, x_{n+m})$. We call this inverse map $h$. We then see that $f\circ{}h$ is a projection.

The implicit function will be used to proof the preimage theorem which we use as a basis to construct all the manifolds in GeometricMachineLearning.


S. Lang. Fundamentals of differential geometry. Vol. 191 (Springer Science & Business Media, 2012).