The Existence-And-Uniqueness Theorem

The existence-and-uniqueness theorem, also known as the Picard-Lindelöf theorem, Picard's existence theorem or the Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem gives a proof of the existence of solutions for ODEs. Here we state the existence-and-uniqueness theorem for manifolds as vector spaces are just a special case of this. Its proof relies on the Banach fixed-point theorem[1].

Theorem (Existence-And-Uniqueness Theorem)

Let $X$ a vector field on the manifold $\mathcal{M}$ that is differentiable at $x$. Then we can find an $\epsilon>0$ and a unique curve $\gamma:(-\epsilon, \epsilon)\to\mathcal{M}$ such that $\gamma'(t) = X(\gamma(t))$.


We consider a ball around a point $x\in\mathcal{M}$ with radius $r$ that we pick such that the ball $B(x, r)$ fits into the $U$ of some coordinate chart $\varphi_U$; we further use $X$ and $\varphi'\circ{}X\circ\varphi^{-1}$ interchangeably in this proof. We then define $L := \mathrm{sup}_{y,z\in{}B(x,r)}|X(y) - X(z)|/|y - z|.$ Note that this $L$ is always finite because $X$ is bounded and differentiable. We now define the map $\Gamma: C^\infty((-\epsilon, \epsilon), \mathbb{R}^n)\to{}C^\infty((-\epsilon, \epsilon), \mathbb{R}^n)$ (for some $\epsilon$ that we do not yet fix) as

\[\Gamma\gamma(t) = x + \int_0^tX(\gamma(s))ds,\]

i.e. $\Gamma$ maps $C^\infty$ curves through $x$ into $C^\infty$ curves through $x$. We further have with the norm $||\gamma||_\infty = \mathrm{sup}_{t \in (-\epsilon, \epsilon)}|\gamma(t)|$:

\[\begin{aligned} ||\Gamma(\gamma_1 - \gamma_2)||_\infty & = \mathrm{sup}_{t \in (-\epsilon, \epsilon)}\left| \int_0^t (X(\gamma_1(s)) - X(\gamma_2(s)))ds \right| \\ & \leq \mathrm{sup}_{t \in (-\epsilon, \epsilon)}\int_0^t | X(\gamma_1(s)) - X(\gamma_2(s)) | ds \\ & \leq \mathrm{sup}_{t \in (-\epsilon, \epsilon)}\int_0^t L |\gamma_1(s) - \gamma_2(s)| ds \\ & \leq \epsilon{}L \cdot \mathrm{sup}_{t \in (-\epsilon, \epsilon)}|\gamma_1(t) - \gamma_2(t)|, \end{aligned}\]

and we see that $\Gamma$ is a contractive mapping if we pick $\epsilon$ small enough and we can hence apply the fixed-point theorem. So there has to exist a $C^\infty$ curve through $x$ that we call $\gamma^*$ such that

\[\gamma^*(t) = \int_0^tX(\gamma^*(s))ds,\]

and this $\gamma^*$ is the curve we were looking for. Its uniqueness is guaranteed by the fixed-point theorem.

For all the problems we discuss here we can extend the integral curves of $X$ from the finite interval $(-\epsilon, \epsilon)$ to all of $\mathbb{R}$. The solution $\gamma$ we call an integral curve or flow of the vector field (ODE).

Time-Dependent Vector Fields

We proved the theorem above for a time-independent vector field $X$, but it also holds for time-dependent vector fields, i.e. for mappings of the form:

\[X: [0,T]\times\mathcal{M}\to{}TM.\]

The proof for this case proceeds analogously to the case of the time-independent vector field; to apply the proof we simply have to extend the vector field to (here written for a specific coordinate chart $\varphi_U$):

\[\bar{X}: [0, T]\times\mathbb{R}^n\to{}\mathbb{R}^{n+1},\, (t, x_1, \ldots, x_n) \mapsto (1, X(x_1, \ldots, x_n)).\]

More details on this can be found in e.g. [15]. For GeometricMachineLearning time-dependent vector fields are important because many of the optimizers we are using (such as the Adam optimizer) can be seen as approximating the flow of a time-dependent vector field.


S. Lang. Real and functional analysis. Vol. 142 (Springer Science & Business Media, 2012).
S. Lang. Fundamentals of differential geometry. Vol. 191 (Springer Science & Business Media, 2012).
  • 1It has to be noted that the proof given here is not entirely self-contained. The proof of the fundamental theorem of calculus, i.e. the proof of the existence of an antiderivative of a continuous function [17], is omitted for example.