Multihead Attention
In order to arrive from the attention layer at the multihead attention layer we have to do a few modifications. Here note that these neural networks were originally developed for natural language processing (NLP) tasks and the terminology used here bears some resemblance to that field. The input to a multihead attention layer typicaly comprises three components:
- Values $V\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times{}T}$: a matrix whose columns are value vectors,
- Queries $Q\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times{}T}$: a matrix whose columns are query vectors,
- Keys $K\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times{}T}$: a matrix whose columns are key vectors.
Regular attention performs the following operation[1]:
\[\mathrm{Attention}(Q,K,V) = V\mathrm{softmax}\left(\frac{K^TQ}{\sqrt{N}}\right),\]
where $N$ is the dimension of the vectors in $V$, $Q$ and $K$. The softmax activation function here acts column-wise:
\[\mathrm{softmax}:\mathbb{R}^{T}\to\mathbb{R}^T \text{ with $[\mathrm{softmax}(v)]_i = e^{v_i}/\left(\sum_{j=1}e^{v_j}\right)$.}\]
The $K^TQ$ term is a similarity matrix between the queries and the vectors.
The transformer contains a self-attention mechanism, i.e. takes an input $X$ and then transforms it linearly to $V$, $Q$ and $K$ via $V = P^VX$, $Q = P^QX$ and $K = P^KX$. What distinguishes the multihead attention layer from the singlehead attention layer is that there is not just one $P^V$, $P^Q$ and $P^K$, but there are several: one for each head of the multihead attention layer. After computing the individual values, queries and vectors, and after applying the softmax, the outputs are then concatenated together in order to obtain again an array that is of the same size as the input array:
Written as an equation we get:
\[\mathrm{MultiHeadAttention}(Z) = \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_1Z, P^K_1Z, P^V_1Z) \\ \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_2Z, P^K_2Z, P^V_2Z) \\ \cdots \\ \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z, P^K_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z, P^V_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z) \end{pmatrix},\]
where $P^{(\cdot)}_i\in\mathbb{R}^{(N\div\mathtt{n\_heads})\times{}N}$ for $Z\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times{}T}.$ Note that we implicitly require that $N$ is divisible by $\mathtt{n\_heads}$ here.
Here the various $P$ matrices can be interpreted as being projections onto lower-dimensional subspaces, hence the designation by the letter $P$. The columns of the projection matrices span smaller spaces that should capture features in the input data. We will show in an example how training of a neural network can benefit from putting the $P^{(\cdot)}_i$ matrices on the Stiefel manifold.
The MultiHeadAttention
implemented in GeometricMachineLearning
has an optional keyword add_connection
. If this is set to true
then the output of the MultiHeadAttention
layer is:
\[\mathrm{MultiHeadAttention}(Z) = Z + \begin{pmatrix} \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_1Z, P^K_1Z, P^V_1Z) \\ \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_2Z, P^K_2Z, P^V_2Z) \\ \cdots \\ \mathrm{Attention}(P^Q_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z, P^K_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z, P^V_{\mathtt{n\_heads}}Z) \end{pmatrix},\]
so we add the input again to the output.
Computing Correlations in the Multihead-Attention Layer
The attention mechanism describes a reweighting of the "values" $V_i$ based on correlations between the "keys" $K_i$ and the "queries" $Q_i$. First note the structure of these matrices: they are all a collection of $T$ $(N\div\mathtt{n\_heads})$-dimensional vectors, i.e. $V_i=[v_i^{(1)}, \ldots, v_i^{(T)}], K_i=[k_i^{(1)}, \ldots, k_i^{(T)}], Q_i=[q_i^{(1)}, \ldots, q_i^{(T)}]$ with $i = 1, \ldots, \mathtt{n\_heads}$. Those vectors have been obtained by applying the respective projection matrices onto the original input.
When performing the reweighting of the columns of $V_i$ we first compute the correlations between the vectors in $K_i$ and in $Q_i$ and store the results in a correlation matrix $C_i$:
\[ [C_i]_{mn} = \left(k_i^{(m)}\right)^Tq_i^{(n)}.\]
The columns of this correlation matrix are than rescaled with a softmax function, obtaining a matrix of probability vectors[2] $\mathcal{P}_i$:
\[ [\mathcal{P}_i]_{\bullet{}n} = \mathrm{softmax}\left(\frac{[C_i]_{\bullet{}n}}{\sqrt{N\div\mathtt{n\_heads}}}\right).\]
Finally the matrix $\mathcal{P}_i$ is multiplied onto $V_i$ from the right, resulting in $T$ convex combinations of the $T$ vectors $v_i^{(m)}$ with $m=1,\ldots,T$:
\[ V_i\mathcal{P}_i = \left[\sum_{m=1}^{T}[\mathcal{P}_i]_{m,1}v_i^{(m)}, \ldots, \sum_{m=1}^{T}[\mathcal{P}_i]_{m,T}v_i^{(m)}\right].\]
With this we can now give a better interpretation of what the projection matrices $W_i^V$, $W_i^K$ and $W_i^Q$ should do: they map the original data to lower-dimensional subspaces. We then compute correlations between the representation in the $K$ and in the $Q$ basis and use this correlation to perform a convex reweighting of the vectors in the $V$ basis. These reweighted values are then fed into a standard feedforward neural network as is further explained in the section on the standard transformer.
Because the main task of the $W_i^V$, $W_i^K$ and $W_i^Q$ matrices here is for them to find bases, it makes sense to constrain them onto the Stiefel manifold; they do not and should not have the maximum possible generality.
Using a Matrix Softmax
Usually the attention layer is using a VectorSoftmax
, i.e. one that produces a series of probability vectors. In GeometricMachineLearning
we can also use a MatrixSoftmax
instead. An example application of this is shown in the tutorials section.
Library Functions
— TypeMultiHeadAttention(dim, n_heads)
Make a MultiHeadAttention
layer with n_heads
for a system of dimension dim
Note that the dim
has to be divisible by n_heads
MultiHeadAttention (MHA) serves as a preprocessing step in the transformer.
It reweights the input vectors bases on correlations within those data.
This is used for the neural networks StandardTransformerIntegrator
and ClassificationTransformer
The optional keyword arguments to MultiHeadAttention
indicates whether weights are put on the StiefelManifold
$St(\mathrm{dim}, \mathrm{dim}\div\mathrm{n\_heads})$.
indicates whether the input is again added to the output.
- [54]
- A. Vaswani, N. Shazeer, N. Parmar, J. Uszkoreit, L. Jones, A. N. Gomez, L. Kaiser and I. Polosukhin. Attention is all you need. Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).