The Symplectic Transformer

The symplectic transformer is, like the standard transformer, a combination of attention layers and feedforward layers. The difference is that the attention layers are not multihead attention layers and the feedforward layers are not standard GeometricMachineLearning.ResNetLayers, but symplectic attention layers and sympnet layers.

Library Functions

SymplecticTransformer <: TransformerIntegrator



Make an instance of SymplecticTransformer for a specific system dimension and sequence length. Also see LinearSymplecticTransformer.


You can provide the additional optional keyword arguments:

  • n_sympnet::Int = (2): The number of sympnet layers in the transformer.
  • upscaling_dimension::Int = 2*dim: The upscaling that is done by the gradient layer.
  • L::Int = 1: The number of transformer units.
  • sympnet_activation = tanh: The activation function for the SympNet layers.
  • attention_activation = GeometricMachineLearning.MatrixSoftmax(): The activation function for the Attention layers.
  • init_upper::Bool=true: Specifies if the first layer is a $q$-type layer (init_upper=true) or if it is a $p$-type layer (init_upper=false).
  • symmetric::Bool=false:

The number of SympNet layers in the network is 2n_sympnet, i.e. for n_sympnet = 1 we have one GradientLayerQ and one GradientLayerP.
