NeuralNetworks in GeometricMachineLearning

GeometricMachineLearning inherits some functionality from another Julia package called AbstractNeuralNetworks. How these two packages interact is shown in the figure below for the example of the SympNet[1]:

Visualization of how the packages interact. Visualization of how the packages interact.

The red color indicates an abstract type, blue indicates a struct and orange indicates a const (derived from a struct). Solid black arrows indicate direct dependencies, i.e. we have

GradientLayer <: SympNetLayer <: AbstractExplicitLayer
GSympNet <: SympNet <: Architecture

Dashed black arrows indicate a derived neural network architecture. A GSympNet (which is an Architecture) is derived from GradientLayerQ and GradientLayerP (which are AbstractExplicitLayers) for example. An Architecture can be turned into a NeuralNetwork by calling the associated constructor

arch = GSympNet(3)
nn = NeuralNetwork(arch, CPU(), Float64)

Such a neural network has four fields:

  • architecture: the Architecture we supplied the constructor with,
  • model: a translation of the supplied architecture into specific neural network layers,
  • params: the neural network parameters,
  • backend: this indicates on which device we allocate the neural network parameters. In this case it is CPU().

We can get the associated model to GSympNet by calling:

(GradientLayerQ{3, 3, typeof(tanh)}(6, tanh), GradientLayerP{3, 3, typeof(tanh)}(6, tanh))

and we see that it consists of two layers: a GradientLayerQ and a GradientLayerP.

  • 1The section on SympNets also contains an explanation of all the structs and types described in this section here.