Variational Partitioned Runge-Kutta Integrators

Variational partitioned Runge-Kutta methods solve Lagranian systems in implicit form, i.e.,

\[\begin{aligned} p &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} (q, \dot{q}) , & \dot{p} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (q, \dot{q}) , \end{aligned}\]

by the following scheme,

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , \\ Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} , \\ q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} . \end{aligned}\]

Here, $s$ denotes the number of internal stages, $a_{ij}$ and $\bar{a}_{ij}$ are the coefficients of the Runge-Kutta method and $b_{i}$ and $\bar{b}_{i}$ the corresponding weights. If the coefficients satisfy the symplecticity conditions,

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} & & \text{and} & \bar{b}_{i} &= b_{i} , \end{aligned}\]

these methods correspond to the position-momentum form of the discrete Lagrangian [Matthew Marsden Jerrold E. AND West (2001)]

\[L_{d} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, L \big( Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i} \big) .\]

While these integrators show favourable properties for systems with regular Lagrangian, they are usually not applicable for degenerate Lagrangian systems, in particular those with Lagrangians of the form $L (q, \dot{q}) = \vartheta(q) \cdot \dot{q} - H(q)$. While variational integrators are still applicable in the case of $\vartheta$ being a linear function of $q$, they are often found to be unstable when $\vartheta$ is a nonlinear function of $q$ as is the case with Lotka-Volterra systems, guiding centre dynamics and various nonlinear oscillators. To mitigate this problem, projection methods have been developed, which when applied to variational integrators provide long-time stable integrators for general degenerate Lagrangian systems that maintain conservation of energy and momenta [Michael Kraus (2017)].

GeometricIntegrators.jl provides the following VPRK methods (some are still experimental):

IntegratorVPRKVariational Partitioned Runge-Kutta (VPRK) integrator without projection
IntegratorVPRKpStandardVPRK integrator with standard projection
IntegratorVPRKpSymmetricVPRK integrator with symmetric projection
IntegratorVPRKpMidpointVPRK integrator with midpoint projection
IntegratorVPRKpVariationalVPRK integrator with variational projection
IntegratorVPRKpSecondaryVPRK integrator with projection on secondary constraint
IntegratorVPRKpInternalGauss-Legendre VPRK integrator with projection on internal stages of Runge-Kutta method
IntegratorVPRKpTableauGauss-Legendre VPRK integrator with projection in tableau of Runge-Kutta method

For testing purposes IntegratorVPRKpStandard provides some additional constructors (these methods are generally unstable):

IntegratorVPRKpVariationalQVPRK integrator with variational projection on $(q_{n}, p_{n+1})$
IntegratorVPRKpVariationalPVPRK integrator with variational projection on $(p_{n}, q_{n+1})$
IntegratorVPRKpSymplecticVPRK integrator with symplectic projection

All of the above integrators are applied to an IODE.