
Geometric Integrator



Collects all data structures needed by an integrator:

  • problem: EquationProblem to solve
  • method: integration method
  • cache: temprary data structures needed by method
  • solver: linear or nonlinear solver needed by method
  • iguess: initial guess for implicit methods
  • projection: optional projection method


GeometricIntegrator(problem::EquationProblem, method::GeometricMethod; solver = default_solver(method), iguess = default_iguess(method), projection = default_projection(method))

Initial Guesses

Extrapolation Methods

The extrapolation routines are exclusively used for computing initial guesses and are usually not called directly by the user.


Compute p(x) where p is the unique polynomial of degree length(xi), such that p(x[i]) = y[i]) for all i. Call with

aitken_neville!(x::AbstractVector, t::Real, ti::AbstractVector, xi::AbstractMatrix)


  • x: evaluation value
  • t: evaluation point
  • ti: interpolation nodes
  • xi: interpolation values

Euler extrapolation method with arbitrary order p.

Solves the ordinary differential equation

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} &= v(t, x) , & x(t_0) &= x_0 , \end{aligned}\]

for $x_1 = x(t_1)$, and is called with

extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, problem, EulerExtrapolation(s))


  • t₀: initial time
  • t₁: final time
  • x₀: initial value $x_0 = x(t_0)$
  • x₁: final value $x_1 = x(t_1)$
  • problem: ODEProblem whose solution to extrapolate
  • s: number of interpolations (order $p=s+1$)

Hermite's Interpolating Polynomials

Implements a two point Hermite inter-/extrapolation function which passes through the function and its first derivative for the interval $[0,1]$. The polynomial is determined by four constraint equations, matching the function and its derivative at the points $0$ and $1$.

Call with one of the following methods

extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, ẋ₀, t₁, x₁, ẋ₁, t, x, HermiteExtrapolation())
extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, ẋ₀, t₁, x₁, ẋ₁, t, x, ẋ, HermiteExtrapolation())
extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, t, x, v, HermiteExtrapolation())
extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, t, x, ẋ, v, HermiteExtrapolation())
extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, t, x, problem, HermiteExtrapolation())
extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, t, x, ẋ, problem, HermiteExtrapolation())


  • t₀: first sample time $t_0$
  • x₀: first solution value $x_0 = x(t_0)$
  • ẋ₀: first vector field value $ẋ_0 = v(t_0, x(t_0))$
  • t₁: second sample time $t_1$
  • x₁: second solution value $x_1 = x(t_1)$
  • ẋ₁: second vector field value $ẋ_1 = v(t_1, x(t_1))$
  • t: time $t$ to extrapolate
  • x: extrapolated solution value $x(t)$
  • : extrapolated vector field value $ẋ(t)$
  • v: function to compute vector field with signature v(ẋ,t,x)
  • problem: ODEProblem whose vector field to use


The interpolation works as follows: Start by defining the 3rd degree polynomial and its derivative by

\[\begin{aligned} g(x) &= a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + a_3 x^3 , \\ g'(x) &= a_1 + 2 a_2 x + 3 a_3 x^2 , \end{aligned}\]

and apply the constraints

\[\begin{aligned} g(0) &= f_0 & & \Rightarrow & a_0 &= f_0 , \\ g(1) &= f_1 & & \Rightarrow & a_0 + a_1 + a_2 + a_3 &= f_1 , \\ g'(0) &= f'_0 & & \Rightarrow & a_1 &= f'_0 , \\ g'(1) &= f'_1 & & \Rightarrow & a_1 + 2 a_2 + 3 a_3 &= f'_1 . \\ \end{aligned}\]

Solving for $a_0, a_1, a_2, a_3$ leads to

\[\begin{aligned} a_0 &= f_0 , & a_1 &= f'_0 , & a_2 &= - 3 f_0 + 3 f_1 - 2 f'_0 - f'_1 , & a_3 &= 2 f_0 - 2 f_1 + f'_0 + f'_1 , \end{aligned}\]

so that the polynomial $g(x)$ reads

\[g(x) = f_0 + f'_0 x + (- 3 f_0 + 3 f_1 - 2 f'_0 - f'_1) x^2 + (2 f_0 - 2 f_1 + f'_0 + f'_1) x^3 .\]

The function and derivative values can be factored out, so that $g(x)$ can be rewritten as

\[g(x) = f_0 (1 - 3 x^2 + 2 x^3) + f_1 (3 x^2 - 2 x^3) + f'_0 (x - 2 x^2 + x^3) + f'_1 (- x^2 + x^3) ,\]

or in generic form as

\[g(x) = f_0 a_0(x) + f_1 a_1(x) + f'_0 b_0(x) + f'_1 b_1(x) ,\]

with basis functions

\[\begin{aligned} a_0 (x) &= 1 - 3 x^2 + 2 x^3 , & b_0 (x) &= x - 2 x^2 + x^3 , \\ a_1 (x) &= 3 x^2 - 2 x^3 , & b_1 (x) &= - x^2 + x^3 . \end{aligned}\]

The derivative $g'(x)$ accordingly reads

\[g'(x) = f_0 a'_0(x) + f_1 a'_1(x) + f'_0 b'_0(x) + f'_1 b'_1(x) ,\]


\[\begin{aligned} a'_0 (x) &= - 6 x + 6 x^2 , & b'_0 (x) &= 1 - 4 x + 3 x^2 , \\ a'_1 (x) &= 6 x - 6 x^2 , & b'_1 (x) &= - 2 x + 3 x^2 . \end{aligned}\]

The basis functions $a_0$and $a_1$ are associated with the function values at $x_0$ and $x_1$, respectively, while the basis functions $b_0$ and $b_1$ are associated with the derivative values at $x_0$ and $x_1$. The basis functions satisfy the following relations,

\[\begin{aligned} a_i (x_j) &= \delta_{ij} , & b_i (x_j) &= 0 , & a'_i (x_j) &= 0 , & b'_i (x_j) &= \delta_{ij} , & i,j &= 0, 1 , \end{aligned}\]

where $\delta_{ij}$ denotes the Kronecker-delta, so that

\[\begin{aligned} g(0) &= f_0 , & g(1) &= f_1 , & g'(0) &= f'_0 , & g'(1) &= f'_1 . \end{aligned}\]


Midpoint extrapolation method with arbitrary order p.

For an ODEProblem, this solves the ordinary differential equation

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} &= v(t, x) , & x(t_0) &= x_0 , \end{aligned}\]

for $x_1 = x(t_1)$, and is called with

extrapolate!(t₀, x₀, t₁, x₁, ::ODEProblem, MidpointExtrapolation(s))


  • t₀: initial time
  • x₀: initial value $x_0 = x(t_0)$
  • t₁: final time
  • x₁: final value $x_1 = x(t_1)$
  • s: number of interpolations (order $p=2s+2$)

For a PODEProblem or HODEProblem, this solves the partitioned ordinary differential equation

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{q} &= v(t, q, p) , & q(t_0) &= q_0 , \\ \dot{p} &= f(t, q, p) , & p(t_0) &= p_0 , \end{aligned}\]

for $q_1 = q(t_1)$ and $p_1 = p(t_1)$m and is called with

extrapolate!(t₀, q₀, p₀, t₁, q₁, p₁, ::PODEProblem, MidpointExtrapolation(s))
extrapolate!(t₀, q₀, p₀, t₁, q₁, p₁, ::HODEProblem, MidpointExtrapolation(s))


  • t₀: initial time
  • q₀: initial position $q_0 = q(t_0)$
  • p₀: initial momentum $p_0 = p(t_0)$
  • t₁: final time
  • q₁: final position $q_1 = q(t_1)$
  • p₁: final momentum $p_1 = p(t_1)$
  • s: number of interpolations (order $p=2s+2$)

Similarly, for a IODEProblem or LODEProblem, this solves the explicit dynamical equation

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{q} &= v(t, q) , & q(t_0) &= q_0 , \\ \dot{p} &= f(t, q, v) , & p(t_0) &= p_0 , \end{aligned}\]

corresponding to the implicit problem, for $q_1 = q(t_1)$ and $p_1 = p(t_1)$, and is called with

extrapolate!(t₀, q₀, p₀, t₁, q₁, p₁, ::IODEProblem, MidpointExtrapolation(s))
extrapolate!(t₀, q₀, p₀, t₁, q₁, p₁, ::LODEProblem, MidpointExtrapolation(s))


  • t₀: initial time
  • q₀: initial position $q_0 = q(t_0)$
  • p₀: initial momentum $p_0 = p(t_0)$
  • t₁: final time
  • q₁: final position $q_1 = q(t_1)$
  • p₁: final momentum $p_1 = p(t_1)$
  • s: number of interpolations (order $p=2s+2$)

Euler Integrators


Explicit Euler Method.


Leonhard Euler.
Institutiones calculi differentialis cum eius vsu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum.
Imp. Acad. Imper. Scient. Petropolitanae, Opera Omnia, Vol.X, [I.6], 1755.
In: Opera Omnia, 1st Series, Volume 11, Institutiones Calculi Integralis. Teubner, Leipzig, Pages 424-434, 1913.
Sectio secunda. Caput VII. De integratione aequationum differentialium per approximationem. Problema 85.

Implicit Euler Method.


Augustin-Louis Cauchy.
Équations différentielles ordinaires. Cours inédit (fragment). Douzième leçon.
Ed. Christian Gilain, Etudes Vivantes, 1981.
Page 102, Equation (5), Θ=1.

Runge-Kutta Integrators


Explicit Runge-Kutta method solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= v (t_i, Q_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} . \end{aligned}\]


Implicit Runge-Kutta integrator cache.


  • x: nonlinear solver solution vector
  • : solution at previous timestep
  • Q: internal stages of solution
  • V: internal stages of vector field
  • Y: vector field of internal stages
  • J: Jacobi matrices for all internal stages

Implicit Runge-Kutta method solving the explicit system of equations for ODEs

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= v (t_i, Q_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} . \end{aligned}\]

or the implicit systems of equations for IODEs and LODEs,

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \vartheta (Q_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , \\ F_{n,i} &= f (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} . \end{aligned}\]

If implicit_update is set to true, the update is computed by solving

\[\vartheta(q_{n+1}) = \vartheta(q_{n}) + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, f (Q_{n,j}, V_{n,j}) ,\]

otherwise it is computed explicitly by

\[q_{n+1} = q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} .\]

Usually we are interested in Lagrangian systems, where

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial v} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , \end{aligned}\]

and tableaus satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]


Implicit Runge-Kutta integrator cache.


  • : solution at previous timestep
  • : momentum at previous timestep
  • Q: internal stages of solution
  • V: internal stages of vector field
  • Θ: internal stages of one-form $\vartheta$
  • F: internal stages of force field

Diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta integrator cache.


  • x: nonlinear solver solution vector
  • Q: internal stages of solution q
  • V: internal stages of vector field v = q̇
  • Y: summed vector field of internal stages Q

Diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta integrator solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= v (t_i, Q_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} . \end{aligned}\]


Explicit partitioned Runge-Kutta method solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= v (t_i, Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , \\ F_{n,i} &= f (t_i, Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} . \end{aligned}\]

Usually we are interested in Hamiltonian systems, where

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial H}{\partial p} (Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= - \dfrac{\partial H}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , \end{aligned}\]

and tableaus satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]


Implicit partitioned Runge-Kutta integrator cache.


  • x: nonlinear solver solution vector
  • : solution at previous timestep
  • : momentum at previous timestep
  • Q: internal stages of solution q
  • P: internal stages of momentum p
  • V: internal stages of vector field v = q̇
  • F: internal stages of vector field f = ṗ
  • Y: summed vector field of internal stages Q
  • Z: summed vector field of internal stages P

Implicit partitioned Runge-Kutta method solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= v (t_i, Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , \\ F_{n,i} &= f (t_i, Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} , \end{aligned}\]

Usually we are interested in Hamiltonian systems, where

\[\begin{aligned} V_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial H}{\partial p} (Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= - \dfrac{\partial H}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, P_{n,i}) , \end{aligned}\]

and tableaus satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]

For implicit equations like IODEs and LODEs this method is solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \vartheta (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , \\ F_{n,i} &= f (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} , \end{aligned}\]

Usually we are interested in Lagrangian systems, where

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial v} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , \end{aligned}\]

and tableaus satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]


Diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauCrankNicolson.


J. Crank and P. Nicolson.
A practical method for numerical evaluation of solutions of partial differential equations of the heat-conduction type.
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Volume 43, Issue 1, Pages 50-67, 1947.
doi: 10.1017/S0305004100023197

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauExplicitEuler.


Leonhard Euler.
Institutiones calculi differentialis cum eius vsu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum.
Imp. Acad. Imper. Scient. Petropolitanae, Opera Omnia, Vol.X, [I.6], 1755.
In: Opera Omnia, 1st Series, Volume 11, Institutiones Calculi Integralis. Teubner, Leipzig, Pages 424-434, 1913.
Sectio secunda. Caput VII. De integratione aequationum differentialium per approximationem. Problema 85.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauForwardEuler.


Leonhard Euler.
Institutiones calculi differentialis cum eius vsu in analysi finitorum ac doctrina serierum.
Imp. Acad. Imper. Scient. Petropolitanae, Opera Omnia, Vol.X, [I.6], 1755.
In: Opera Omnia, 1st Series, Volume 11, Institutiones Calculi Integralis. Teubner, Leipzig, Pages 424-434, 1913.
Sectio secunda. Caput VII. De integratione aequationum differentialium per approximationem. Problema 85.

Fully implicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauGauss.


John C. Butcher.
Implicit Runge-Kutta processes.
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 18, Pages 50-64, 1964.
doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-1964-0159424-9.

John C. Butcher.
Gauss Methods. 
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_115.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauHeun2.


Karl Heun.
Neue Methoden zur approximativen Integration der Differentialgleichungen einer unabhängigen Veränderlichen.
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 45, Pages 23-38, 1900.
Algorithm II.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauHeun3.


Karl Heun.
Neue Methoden zur approximativen Integration der Differentialgleichungen einer unabhängigen Veränderlichen.
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 45, Pages 23-38, 1900.
Algorithm VI.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIII.


John C. Butcher.
Integration processes based on Radau quadrature formulas
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 18, Pages 233-244, 1964.
doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-1964-0165693-1.

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIIIA.


Byron Leonard Ehle
On Padé approximations to the exponential function and a-stable methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems.
Research Report CSRR 2010, Dept. AACS, University of Waterloo, 1969.

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIIIB.


Byron Leonard Ehle.
On Padé approximations to the exponential function and a-stable methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems.
Research Report CSRR 2010, Dept. AACS, University of Waterloo, 1969.

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIIIC.


F. H. Chipman.
A-stable Runge-Kutta processes.
BIT, Volume 11, Pages 384-388, 1971.
doi: 10.1007/BF01939406.

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIIID.


R.P.K. Chan.
On symmetric Runge-Kutta methods of high order.
Computing, Volume 45, Pages 301-309, 1990.
doi: 10.1007/BF02238798

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauLobattoIIIE.


R.P.K. Chan.
On symmetric Runge-Kutta methods of high order.
Computing, Volume 45, Pages 301-309, 1990.
doi: 10.1007/BF02238798

Laurent O. Jay.
Lobatto Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_123.

Partitioned Runge-Kutta method TableauGauss for both $q$ and $p$.


John C. Butcher.
Implicit Runge-Kutta processes.
Mathematics of Computation, Volume 18, Pages 50-64, 1964.
doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-1964-0159424-9.

John C. Butcher.
Gauss Methods. 
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_115.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauRK21.


Karl Heun.
Neue Methoden zur approximativen Integration der Differentialgleichungen einer unabhängigen Veränderlichen.
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 45, Pages 23-38, 1900.
Algorithm II.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauRK22.


Carl Runge
Über die numerische Auflösung von Differentialgleichungen.
Mathematische Annalen, Volume 46, Pages 167-178, 1895.
doi: 10.1007/BF01446807.
Equation (3)

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauRK32.


Wilhelm Kutta
Beitrag zur Näherungsweisen Integration totaler Differentialgleichungen
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 46, Pages 435-453, 1901.
Page 440

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauRK4.


Wilhelm Kutta
Beitrag zur Näherungsweisen Integration totaler Differentialgleichungen
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 46, Pages 435-453, 1901.
Page 443

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauRK41.


Wilhelm Kutta
Beitrag zur Näherungsweisen Integration totaler Differentialgleichungen
Zeitschrift für Mathematik und Physik, Volume 46, Pages 435-453, 1901.
Page 443

Runge-Kutta method with TableauRadauIA.


Byron Leonard Ehle
On Padé approximations to the exponential function and a-stable methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems.
Research Report CSRR 2010, Dept. AACS, University of Waterloo, 1969.

Runge-Kutta method with TableauRadauIIA.


Byron Leonard Ehle
On Padé approximations to the exponential function and a-stable methods for the numerical solution of initial value problems.
Research Report CSRR 2010, Dept. AACS, University of Waterloo, 1969.

Owe Axelsson.
A class of A-stable methods.
BIT, Volume 9, Pages 185-199, 1969.
doi: 10.1007/BF01946812.

Ernst Hairer and Gerhard Wanner.
Radau Methods.
In: Engquist B. (eds). Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2015.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-70529-1_139.

Fully implicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauSRK3.


Shan Zhao and Guo-Wei Wei.
A unified discontinuous Galerkin framework for time integration.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Volume 37, Issue 7, Pages 1042-1071, 2014.
doi: 10.1002/mma.2863.

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauSSPRK2.


Chi-Wang Shu, Stanley Osher.
Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes.
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 77, Issue 2, Pages 439-471, 1988.
doi: 10.1016/0021-9991(88)90177-5.
Equation (2.16)

Explicit Runge-Kutta method with TableauSSPRK3.


Chi-Wang Shu, Stanley Osher.
Efficient implementation of essentially non-oscillatory shock-capturing schemes.
Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 77, Issue 2, Pages 439-471, 1988.
doi: 10.1016/0021-9991(88)90177-5.
Equation (2.18)

Variational Integrators


Midpoint Variational Integrator in position-momentum form.

We consider a discrete Lagrangian of the form

\[L_d (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = h \, L \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) ,\]

where $q_{n}$ approximates the solution $q(t_{n})$. The Euler-Lagrange equations are computed as:

\[\begin{aligned} p_{n } &= - D_{1} L_{d} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) , \\ p_{n+1} &= \hphantom{-} D_{2} L_{d} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) . \end{aligned}\]

The first equation can be solved implicitly for $q_{n+1}$ given $(q_{n}, p_{n})$. The second equation can be used to explicitly compute $p_{n+1}$.


Trapezoidal Variational Integrator in position-momentum form.

We consider a discrete Lagrangian of the form

\[L_d (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \bigg[ L \bigg( q_{n}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + L \bigg( q_{n+1}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) \bigg] ,\]

where $q_{n}$ approximates the solution $q(t_{n})$. The Euler-Lagrange equations are computed as:

\[\begin{aligned} p_{n } &= - D_{1} L_{d} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( q_{n}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( q_{n}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( q_{n+1}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) , \\ p_{n+1} &= \hphantom{-} D_{2} L_{d} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( q_{n}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( q_{n}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) + \frac{1}{2} \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( q_{n+1}, \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} \bigg) . \end{aligned}\]

The first equation can be solved implicitly for $q_{n+1}$ given $(q_{n}, p_{n})$. The second equation can be used to explicitly compute $p_{n+1}$.


Variational Partitioned Runge-Kutta Method

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial v} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , \\ F_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} - d_i \lambda , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} , \\ && 0 &= \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} d_i V_i , && \end{aligned}\]

satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + b_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} b_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]


VPRK(tableau::PartitionedTableau, d=nothing)
VPRK(tableau::Tableau, args...; kwargs...) = VPRK(PartitionedTableau(tableau), args...; kwargs...)
VPRK(tableau1::Tableau, tableau2::Tableau, args...; kwargs...) = VPRK(PartitionedTableau(tableau1, tableau2), args...; kwargs...)

Degenerate Variational Integrators


Degenerate variational integrator cache.


  • q: internal stages of solution
  • v: internal stages of vector field
  • Θ: implicit function evaluated on solution
  • f: vector field of implicit function

Degenerate Variational Runge-Kutta (DVRK) method for noncanonical symplectic equations solving the system

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \vartheta (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & Q_{n,i} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{j=1}^{s} a_{ij} \, V_{n,j} , & q_{n+1} &= q_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} b_{i} \, V_{n,i} , \\ F_{n,i} &= f (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & P_{n,i} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{a}_{ij} \, F_{n,j} , & p_{n+1} &= p_{n} + h \sum \limits_{i=1}^{s} \bar{b}_{i} \, F_{n,i} , \end{aligned}\]

Usually we are interested in Lagrangian systems, where

\[\begin{aligned} P_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial v} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , & F_{n,i} &= \dfrac{\partial L}{\partial q} (Q_{n,i}, V_{n,i}) , \end{aligned}\]

and tableaus satisfying the symplecticity conditions

\[\begin{aligned} b_{i} \bar{a}_{ij} + \bar{b}_{j} a_{ji} &= b_{i} \bar{b}_{j} , & \bar{b}_i &= b_i . \end{aligned}\]

A Degenerate Variational Runge-Kutta method is instantiated by either passing a Runge-Kutta tableau or a Runge-Kutta method:


Degenerate Variational Runge-Kutta integrator cache.


  • q: initial guess of solution
  • v: initial guess of vector field
  • θ: initial guess of symplectic potential
  • f: initial guess of force field
  • Q: internal stages of solution
  • V: internal stages of vector field
  • Θ: implicit function of internal stages
  • F: vector field of implicit function

Galerkin Variational Integrators


Continuous Galerkin Variational Integrator.

  • b: weights of the quadrature rule
  • c: nodes of the quadrature rule
  • x: nodes of the basis
  • m: mass matrix
  • a: derivative matrix
  • r₀: reconstruction coefficients at the beginning of the interval
  • r₁: reconstruction coefficients at the end of the interval

Hamilton-Pontryagin Integrators


Hamilton-Pontryagin Integrator using midpoint quadrature.

We consider a discrete Lagrangian of the form

\[L_d (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = h \, L \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) ,\]

where $q_{n}$ approximates the solution $q(t_n)$ and $v_{n+1/2}$ is the velocity, which is assumed to be constant in the interval $[t_{n}, t_{n+1}]$. The discrete Hamilton-Pontryagin action reads

\[A_d [q_d] = \sum \limits_{n=0}^{N-1} \bigg[ L_{d}^{\alpha,\beta} (q_{n}, q_{n+1}, v_{n+1/2}) + \left< p_{n+1/2} , \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) - v_{n+1/2} \right> \bigg] ,\]

where $\phi_h$ is a map that computes the velocity $v_{n+1/2}$ as a function of $q_{n}$, $q_{n+1}$ and a set of parameters $a_{n,n+1}$. A trivial example of such a map that does not depend on any parameters $a_{n,n+1}$ is

\[\phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) = \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} .\]

In order to solve the discrete Euler-Lagrange equations, the user needs to specify the map $\phi_h$, its gradients with respect to $q_{n}$ and $q_{n+1}$, denoted by $D_1 \phi_h$ and $D_2 \phi_h$, respectively, the gradient with respect to the parameters, denoted by $D_a \phi_h$, and an initial set of parameters $a_{0}$.

The equations of motion, that are solved by this integrator, is computed as:

\[\begin{aligned} 0 &= \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n-1} + q_{n}}{2}, v_{n-1/2} \bigg) + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) \\ &+ h \, D_1 \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} + h \, D_2 \phi_h (q_{n-1}, q_{n}; a_{n-1,n}) \cdot p_{n-1/2} , \\ 0 &= D_a \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} , \\ p_{n+1/2} &= \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) , \\ v_{n+1/2} &= \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) . \end{aligned}\]

Upon defining the momentum

\[p_{n} = h \, D_2 \phi_h (q_{n-1}, q_{n}; a_{n-1,n}) \cdot p_{n-1/2} + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n-1} + q_{n}}{2}, v_{n-1/2} \bigg) ,\]

we can rewrite the equations of motion as

\[\begin{aligned} 0 &= p_{n} + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) + h \, D_1 \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} , \\ 0 &= D_a \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} , \\ v_{n+1/2} &= \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) , \\ p_{n+1/2} &= \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) , \\ p_{n+1} &= h \, D_2 \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \bigg( \frac{q_{n} + q_{n+1}}{2}, v_{n+1/2} \bigg) . \end{aligned}\]

Given $(q_{n}, p_{n})$, the first four equations are solved for $q_{n+1}$, where $v_{n+1/2}$, $p_{n+1/2}$, and $a_{n,n+1}$ are treated as internal variables similar to the internal stages of a Runge-Kutta method. The last equation provides an explicit update for $p_{n+1}$.


Hamilton-Pontryagin Integrator using trapezoidal quadrature.

We consider a discrete Lagrangian of the form

\[L_d (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) = \frac{h}{2} \big[ L (q_{n}, v_{n+1/2}) + L (q_{n+1}, v_{n+1/2}) \big] ,\]

where $q_{n}$ approximates the solution $q(t_n)$ and $v_{n+1/2}$ is the velocity, which is assumed to be constant in the interval $[t_{n}, t_{n+1}]$. The discrete Hamilton-Pontryagin action reads

\[A_d [q_d] = \sum \limits_{n=0}^{N-1} \bigg[ L_d (q_{n}, q_{n+1}) + h \left< p_{n+1/2} , \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) - v_{n+1/2} \right> \bigg] ,\]

where $\phi_h$ is a map that computes the velocity $v_{n+1/2}$ as a function of $q_{n}$, $q_{n+1}$ and a set of parameters $a_{n,n+1}$. A trivial example of such a map that does not depend on any parameters $a_{n,n+1}$ is

\[\phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) = \frac{q_{n+1} - q_{n}}{h} .\]

In order to solve the discrete Euler-Lagrange equations, the user needs to specify the map $\phi_h$, its gradients with respect to $q_{n}$ and $q_{n+1}$, denoted by $D_1 \phi_h$ and $D_2 \phi_h$, respectively, the gradient with respect to the parameters, denoted by $D_a \phi_h$, and an initial set of parameters $a_{0}$.

The equations of motion, that are solved by this integrator, are:

\[\begin{aligned} 0 &= p_{n} + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} (q_{n}, v_{n+1/2}) + h \, D_1 \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} , \\ 0 &= D_a \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} , \\ v_{n+1/2} &= \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) , \\ p_{n+1/2} &= \frac{1}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} (q_{n}, v_{n+1/2}) + \frac{1}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial v} (q_{n+1}, v_{n+1/2}) , \\ p_{n+1} &= h \, D_2 \phi_h (q_{n}, q_{n+1}; a_{n,n+1}) \cdot p_{n+1/2} + \frac{h}{2} \, \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} (q_{n+1}, v_{n+1/2}) . \end{aligned}\]

Given $(q_{n}, p_{n})$, the first four equations are solved for $q_{n+1}$, where $v_{n+1/2}$, $p_{n+1/2}$, and $a_{n,n+1}$ are treated as internal variables similar to the internal stages of a Runge-Kutta method. The last equation provides an explicit update for $p_{n+1}$.


Splitting and Composition Methods


Symmetric splitting method with general stages. See McLachlan, Quispel, 2003, Equ. (4.11).

Basic method: Lie composition

\[\begin{aligned} \varphi_{\tau}^{A} &= \varphi_{\tau}^{v_1} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_2} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_r} \\ \varphi_{\tau}^{B} &= \varphi_{\tau}^{v_r} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_2} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_1} \end{aligned}\]


\[\varphi_{\tau}^{GS} = \varphi_{a_1 \tau}^{A} \circ \varphi_{b_1 \tau}^{B} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{b_1 \tau}^{B} \circ \varphi_{a_1 \tau}^{A}\]


Non-symmetric splitting method. See McLachlan, Quispel, 2003, Equ. (4.10). The methods A and B are the composition of all vector fields in the SODE and its adjoint, respectively.

Basic method: Lie composition

\[\begin{aligned} \varphi_{\tau}^{A} &= \varphi_{\tau}^{v_1} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_2} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_r} \\ \varphi_{\tau}^{B} &= \varphi_{\tau}^{v_r} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_2} \circ \varphi_{\tau}^{v_1} \end{aligned}\]


\[\varphi_{\tau}^{NS} = \varphi_{b_s \tau}^{B} \circ \varphi_{a_s \tau}^{A} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{b_1 \tau}^{B} \circ \varphi_{a_1 \tau}^{A}\]


Symmetric splitting method with symmetric stages. See McLachlan, Quispel, 2003, Equ. (4.6).

Basic method: symmetric Strang composition

\[\varphi_{\tau}^{A} = \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_1} \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_2} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_r} \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_r} \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_{r-1}} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_2} \circ \varphi_{\tau/2}^{v_1}\]


\[\varphi_{\tau}^{SS} = \varphi_{a_1 \tau}^{A} \circ \varphi_{a_2 \tau}^{A} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{a_s \tau}^{A} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{a_2 \tau}^{A} \circ \varphi_{a_1 \tau}^{A}\]


Lie-Trotter Splitting A

For a vector field $\dot{x} = f_1 (t,x) + f_2 (t,x)$, the splitting reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t} \circ \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t}\]


H. F. Trotter.
On the product of semi-groups of operators.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 10, Pages 545-551, 1959.
doi: 10.1090/S0002-9939-1959-0108732-6.

Lie-Trotter Splitting B

For a vector field $\dot{x} = f_1 (t,x) + f_2 (t,x)$, the splitting reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t} \circ \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t}\]


H. F. Trotter.
On the product of semi-groups of operators.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 10, Pages 545-551, 1959.
doi: 10.1090/S0002-9939-1959-0108732-6.

McLachlan's 2nd order symmetric, minimum error composition method

The composition reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi_{\alpha \Delta t} \circ \varphi^{*}_{(1/2 - \alpha) \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{(1/2 - \alpha) \Delta t} \circ \varphi^{*}_{\alpha \Delta t} ,\]

where the parameter $\alpha$ can be optimized, e.g., to minimize the solution error. McLachlan arrives at $\alpha = 0.1932$ as a generally useful value.


Robert I. McLachlan.
On the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations by Symmetric Composition Methods
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 16, Pages 151-168, 1995.
doi: 10.1137/0916010.

McLachlan's 4th order symmetric, minimum error composition method

The composition reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi_{\alpha_5 \Delta t} \circ \varphi^{*}_{\beta_5 \Delta t} \circ \dotsc \circ \varphi_{\alpha_2 \Delta t} \circ \varphi^{*}_{\beta_2 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\alpha_1 \Delta t} \circ \varphi^{*}_{\beta_1 \Delta t} ,\]


\[\begin{aligned} \beta_1 &= \alpha_5 = \frac{14 - \sqrt{19}}{108} , & \alpha_1 &= \beta_5 = \frac{146 + 5 \sqrt{19}}{540} , & & \\ \beta_2 &= \alpha_4 = \frac{- 23 - 20 \sqrt{19}}{270} , & \alpha_2 &= \beta_4 = \frac{-2 + 10 \sqrt{19}}{135} , & \beta_3 &= \alpha_3 = \frac{1}{5} . \end{aligned}\]

The coefficients are optimised to provide an integrator with minimal solution error.


Robert I. McLachlan.
On the Numerical Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations by Symmetric Composition Methods
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Volume 16, Pages 151-168, 1995.
doi: 10.1137/0916010.

Strang Splitting

For a vector field $\dot{x} = f_1 (t,x) + f_2 (t,x)$, the splitting reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t / 2} \circ \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t / 2} \circ \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t / 2} \circ \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t / 2}\]

For vector fields with two components, this is not the most efficient implementation. For such cases StrangA or StrangB should be used instead.


Gilbert Strang.
On the construction and comparison of difference schemes.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 5, Pages 506-517, 1968.
doi: 10.1137/0705041.

Gurij Ivanovich Marchuk.
Some applications of splitting-up methods to the solution of mathematical physics problems.
Aplikace Matematiky, Volume 13, Pages 103-132, 1968.
doi: 10.21136/AM.1968.103142.

Strang Splitting A for a vector field $\dot{x} = f_1 (t,x) + f_2 (t,x)$.

The splitting reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t / 2} \circ \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t} \circ \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t / 2}\]


Gilbert Strang.
On the construction and comparison of difference schemes.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 5, Pages 506-517, 1968.
doi: 10.1137/0705041.

Gurij Ivanovich Marchuk.
Some applications of splitting-up methods to the solution of mathematical physics problems.
Aplikace Matematiky, Volume 13, Pages 103-132, 1968.
doi: 10.21136/AM.1968.103142.

Strang Splitting B for a vector field $\dot{x} = f_1 (t,x) + f_2 (t,x)$

The splitting reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t / 2} \circ \varphi^{1}_{\Delta t} \circ \varphi^{2}_{\Delta t / 2}\]


Gilbert Strang.
On the construction and comparison of difference schemes.
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 5, Pages 506-517, 1968.
doi: 10.1137/0705041.

Gurij Ivanovich Marchuk.
Some applications of splitting-up methods to the solution of mathematical physics problems.
Aplikace Matematiky, Volume 13, Pages 103-132, 1968.
doi: 10.21136/AM.1968.103142.

Suzuki's 4th order "fractal" composition method

The composition reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi_{\gamma_5 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_4 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_3 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_2 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_1 \Delta t}\]


\[\gamma_1 = \gamma_2 = \gamma_4 = \gamma_5 = \frac{1}{4 - 4^{1/(p+1)}} , \qquad \gamma_3 = - \frac{4^{1/(p+1)}}{4 - 4^{1/(p+1)}} .\]


Masuo Suzuki
Fractal decomposition of exponential operators with applications to many-body theories and Monte Carlo simulations.
Physics Letters A, Volume 146, Pages 319-323, 1990.
doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(90)90962-N

4th order "Triple Jump" composition method.

The composition reads

\[\Phi_{\Delta t} = \varphi_{\gamma_3 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_2 \Delta t} \circ \varphi_{\gamma_1 \Delta t}\]


\[\gamma_1 = \gamma_3 = \frac{1}{2 - 2^{1/(p+1)}} , \qquad \gamma_2 = - \frac{2^{1/(p+1)}}{2 - 2^{1/(p+1)}} .\]


Michael Creutz and Andreas Gocksch.
Higher-order hybrid Monte Carlo algorithms.
Physical Review Letters, Volume 63, Pages 9-12, 1989.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.63.9.

Etienne Forest.
Canonical integrators as tracking codes (or how to integrate perturbation theory with tracking).
AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 184, Pages 1106-1136, 1989.
doi: 10.1063/1.38062.

Masuo Suzuki
Fractal decomposition of exponential operators with applications to many-body theories and Monte Carlo simulations.
Physics Letters A, Volume 146, Pages 319-323, 1990.
doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(90)90962-N

Haruo Yoshida.
Construction of higher order symplectic integrators.
Physics Letters A, Volume 150, Pages 262-268, 1990.
doi: 10.1016/0375-9601(90)90092-3

Splitting integrator for the solution of initial value problems

\[\dot{q} (t) = v(t, q(t)) , \qquad q(t_{0}) = q_{0} ,\]

whose vector field $v$ is given as a sum of vector fields

\[v (t) = v_1 (t) + ... + v_r (t) .\]

Splitting has two constructors:

Splitting(f::Vector{Int}, c::Vector)
Splitting(method::AbstractSplittingMethod, problem::SODEProblem)

The vectors f and c define the actual splitting method: f is a vector of indices of the flows in the split equation (that is the exact solution which can be obtained by solutions(problem)) to be solved and c is a vector of the same size as f that contains the coefficients for each splitting step, i.e., the resulting integrator has the form

\[\varphi_{\tau} = \phi_{c[s] \tau}^{v_{f[s]}} \circ \dotsc \circ \phi_{c[2] \tau}^{v_{f[2]}} \circ \phi_{c[1] \tau}^{v_{f[1]}} .\]

In the second constructor, these vectors are constructed from the splitting method and the problem.


Composition integrator for the solution of initial value problems

\[\dot{q} (t) = v(t, q(t)) , \qquad q(t_{0}) = q_{0} ,\]

whose vector field $v$ is given as a sum of vector fields

\[v (t) = v_1 (t) + ... + v_r (t) .\]

Composition has one main constructor:

Composition(methods, splitting)

The first argument is tuple of methods that are used to solve each substep, and the second argument is a splitting method. A second convenience constructor uses the ExactSolution for all steps:

Composition(splitting) = Composition(ExactSolution(), splitting)

This constructs a composition method that is equivalent to a plain Splitting. In order to include exact solutions in the composition, the ExactSolution method implements the general integrator interface.
